The month of September is Suicide Awareness Month
Today, September 10,2021 is world suicide prevention day.
This topic is HEAVY
but it MUST be addressed.
First, I want to give you a few definitions:
Active suicidal ideation:
Plan an intent on harming oneself
ACTIVELY wants to die.
2. passive ideation
No plan on harming self
Feeling of helplessness or hopelessness
Thoughts such as wanting to follow asleep and not have to wake up or “I don’t want to be here anymore, but I don’t want to kill myself.
“I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to live.”
WOOOOW! That’s so heavy—but ya’ll—it’s so real.
I don’t want to minimize either active suicidal ideation or passive suicidal ideation.
While active suicidal ideation is more serious (clearly) I feel as though passive suicidal ideation gets swept under the rug a lot.
Not to mention—suicide itself—because people don’t talk about it like they should.
Suicidal thoughts attempts, deaths, happen as a result of depression.
In these moments of thoughts, attempts, and ultimate deaths, we are not thinking clearly.
I feel as though that needs to be normalized, and it is not.
This post is all over the place, so I deeply apologize.
If you have lost someone you love due to suicide and people have told you,
“They are going to hell.”
Or if you are a person reading this today who thinks that….
It is not true, and we need to change the narrative.
Matthew 12:31 says,
“And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.”
Blasphemy: the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk
That definition being thrown out there… the reason a person goes to hell is between that person and God alone, but someone is not going to hell just because they died by suicide.
The only unforgivable sin is claiming that you have no idea who the Lord is when you 100% know exactly who He is.
If ya’ll know me, you know I’m a Christian, so I’m obviously going to come at every situation with a Christian worldview.
Christians are not exempt from suicidal thoughts.
Christians are not exempt from suicide attempts.
Christians are not exempt from death by suicide.
Christians are not exempt from depression.
Christians are not exempt from anxiety.
There are plenty examples I can give you of people in the Bible who struggled with their mental health: Job, Jonah, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, Naomi etc.
I’ve said this before:
You are no less of a Christian because of your mental illness
You are no less of a Christian because of your suicidal thoughts.
You are no less of a Christian because of your suicide attempt(s)
Someone is no less of a Christian if they died of suicide.
I know people who have died because of suicide.
I know people who have attempted suicide once and multiple times—but they are still here, and I praise God every day for that.
I know people who have suicidal thoughts.
this month
this day
it’s not easy
no month or day is easy.
To those who are currently having suicidal thoughts: you matter, and you need to be here. (Even if it doesn’t feel like it.)
you are loved and your story isn’t over.
to those of you who are mourning the loss of a loved one due to suicide: I am mourning with you.
ya’ll, there’s help out there. PLEASE accept it. You are loved and cared for more than you know.
it’s hard…. I know
but hang in there
Check on your friends.
Especially the ones with a smile plastered on their face.
Suicide prevention hotline: 800-273-8255
Yesterday, I created an Instagram highlight on my insta stories talking about suicide, how to talk about it, what to say, and what not to say. I encourage you to read through that highlight, and I will be posting more education as I find it.
You are loved.
Hope gets the last word🤍
Insta: @laurenvictoria___