Hey! go write something!" my friend Sarah says seconds before we end our FaceTime call. So, here I am writing "something."
I know the holidays can be hard for multiple people for multiple reasons, and my heart goes out to all of those who are struggling right now.
On the flip side-others can't wait to put up their Christmas tree, eat their favorite Thanksgiving dish, and binge their favorite Christmas movies.
Personally, I've found myself looking around a lot.
I see engagement announcements,
baby announcements
the college struggle I will always remember all too well.
I look at my friends who are getting "big girl or big boy jobs"
I look at everyone who is expecting me. to be at a place in my life where I'm not.
I'm honestly loathing the holiday questions from family:
"So, what are you doing now?"
and then I look at myself...
You're asking what I'm doing right now?
I'm blogging--clearly
I'm writing
I'm doing laundry and emptying the dishwasher so those are two less things my mom has to do when she gets home.
I'm taking care of my family
I'm taking care of my mental health
I'm trying to be obedient to Christ, and if being obedient to him isn't satisfactory to what the world and the people in it think I should be doing - I'm trying not to care.
The priorities of my life right now may not be "the norm"
Maybe someone needs that reality check. The pressure to do what everyone else is doing is not always what you should be doing.
Maybe there is someone reading this who has pressured a loved one into doing what you think is right.
God is going to take care of it. Let it be.
Maybe you're like me right now, and you don't have that adult job straight out of college
You don't have the ring on your finger.
your distanced from your friends
your resume isn't perfect yet, and you don't even know what you want to do with it.
Let me tell you something:
God is going to give you everything you need for this season of your life.
Give God what you have.
that's all He wants from you, and you and I need to work on being satisfied with that too.
your friend,